• Xiangguo SUN

    online social networks | user modeling

    Dr. Xiangguo Sun/孙相国 is now working as a postdoctoral research fellow at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大学, supervised by Prof. Hong Cheng/程鸿). Before that, he received his Ph.D. in 2022 from Southeast University (东南大学, supervised by Prof. Bo Liu/刘波) with the Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Jiangsu Province (江苏省优博). In the same year, he visited Zhejiang Lab (之江实验室) as a visiting researcher hosted by Chief Scientist Prof. Hongyang Chen/陈红阳. From Sep 2021 to Jan 2022, he worked as a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia (微软亚洲研究院, MSRA) with Dr. Hang Dong/董航 and Bo Qiao/乔波, and won the ``Award of Excellence'' in the Stars of Tomorrow Program. From Sep 2019 to Sep 2021, he came to Australia as a 2-year joint Ph.D. student at The University of Queensland (昆士兰大学), supervised by ARC Future Fellow (澳大利亚杰青) Prof. Hongzhi Yin/阴红志.


    His current research interests include online social networks, especially responsible network learning issues in social network analytics. He has published 15 CORE A*, 12 CCF A, and 16 SCI (including 8 IEEE Trans), some of which appear in SIGKDD, VLDB, The Web Conference (WWW), TKDE, ICLR, TOIS, IJCAI, WSDM, TNNLS, CIKM, etc. He won the Best Research Paper Award at KDD'23, which was the first time for Hong Kong and Mainland China. He was recognized as the "Social Computing Rising Star" (社会计算青年学者新星) in 2023 from CAAI (中国人工智能学会).


    Dr. Xiangguo Sun is currently serving as the Associate Editor of Big Data Mining and Analytics/大数据挖掘与分析(英文), and Journal of Social Computing. He is also a member of the Professional Committee of Social Computing and Social Intelligence, CAAI (中国人工智能学会-社会计算专委会青年委员、执委会委员). He served as the PC member or reviewer for many reputable conferences and journals such as SIGKDD (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), TKDE, IJCAI 2024, ICLR 2024, NeurIPS 2023, The Web Conference (2023, 2024), SIGIR 2021, ICDE 202, VLDB 2022, DASFAA (2020, 2023, 2024), SDM 2024, CIKM (2024), TNNLS, etc. He also serves as an external supervisor of some brilliant PhD/master students from the University of Technology Sydney (Australia), UC Berkeley (USA), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU, Hong Kong), Cambridge University (United Kingdom), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), KAUST (Saudi Arabia), Zhejiang University (China) and Southeast University (China).


    CV Download (CN, EN) | Email: xiangguosun at cuhk dot edu dot hk


    Selected News

    • [2024.04] Our survey paper was accepted by IJCAI 2024! (Yuhan Li, Zhixun Li, Peisong Wang, Jia Li, Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Jeffrey Xu Yu. A Survey of Graph Meets Large Language Model: Progress and Future Directions.)
    • [2024.01] One paper accepted by ICLR 2024! (Ziqi Gao, Xiangguo Sun, Zijing Liu, Yu Li, Hong Cheng, Jia Li. Protein Multimer Structure Prediction via PPI-guided Prompt Learning.) Congrats to Ziqi!
    • [2023.12] I'm so happy to share that I won the Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Jiangsu Province 2023. Only 1 winner from Computer Science & Technology/计算机科学与技术专业 at Southeast University.
    • [2023.11]🔥 We are so happy to release ProG, a Python library for Graph Prompt!
    • [2023.08] I'm so proud to share that my previous student (co-supervised with Prof. Guandong XU), and also a strong cooperator, Mr. Yanyi Pu, recently received his Ph.D. offer from The University of Sheffield. Before that, he studied as a visiting student at UTS and then came to the University of Cambridge for his M.Phil. Congrats to Yanyi!
    • [2023.08] I'm delighted to announce that our paper has won the Best Research Paper Award at KDD'23! This is the first time for Hong Kong and mainland China in KDD history. I want to express my great gratitude to my co-authors for their professional collaboration and teamwork!👏
    • [2023.05] I'm so happy to share that I was recognized as the "Social Computing Rising Star" (社会计算青年学者新星) from the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAAI), Professional Committee of Social Computing and Social Intelligence (中国人工智能学会-社会智能专委会).
    • [2022.01] Become Dr. Sun!

    Media Coverage: Press, news, and media reports related to our research work! 点击链接以获取更多关于我们的媒体报道! 


    Academic Experiences

    • [2022.05-present] The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Postdoctoral Research Fellow. with Prof. Hong Cheng(程鸿).
    • [2022.04-2022.05] Zhejiang Lab (之江实验室). Visiting Researcher with Chief Scientist Prof. Hongyang Chen (陈红阳)
    • [2021.08-2022.02] Microsoft Research Asia, Research Intern in DKI group. with Dr. Hang Dong (董航) and Dr. Bo Qiao (乔波)
    • [2019.09-2021.09] The University of Queensland (UQ), Joint Ph.D. student. Supervisor: Prof. Hongzhi Yin (阴红志)
    • [2018.03-2022.03] Southeast University (SEU), Ph.D. student. Supervisor: Prof. Bo Liu (刘波)
    • [2016.09-2018.03] Southeast University (SEU), Master Candidate. Computer Science
    • [2012.09-2016.09] Dalian University of Technology (DUT), B.S. Electronic Information Engineering


    Representative Papers
    1. 🔥Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Jia Li, Bo Liu, Jihong Guan. All in One: Multi-task Prompting for Graph Neural Networks. KDD 2023 (CORE A*, CCF A, Best Paper Award, website). 获“最佳研究论文奖”,为KDD会议自创立以来中国大陆和港澳地区范围内首次。提出面向多任务的“通用图提示学习”这一重要科学概念,获得学术界的广泛采纳并促成学术界同行开展了很多后续的研究工作,为通用图智能算法开辟了一个全新的研究领域。相关工作被“香港新闻网”、“香港中文大学新闻中心”、“机器之心”、知乎等媒体平台广泛报道。 例如,“香港新闻网”报道了SIGKDD 评审委员会对该工作的肯定:“这项工作为未来建立通用图 AI 模型奠定了基础,并可能对神经科学等应用产生深远的影响 ”。一些学术界同行在著名社交媒体平台知乎公开讨论此工作,给出了“大道至简!Easy and Efficient!”等评价;国外社交网站 X (Twitter)上也产生 了一些对该项工作的讨论,部分学术同行认为我进行的是一项“非常有趣”的工作。这项工作获得了同行们极大的关注,请点击此处链接获取详细的同行评价。
    2. 🔥Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Bo Liu, Jia Li, Hongyang Chen, Guandong Xu, Hongzhi Yin. Self-supervised Hypergraph Representation Learning for Sociological Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE). 2023. (CORE A*, CCF A, SCI Q1) 这篇论文只经历了一轮评审就获得录用,这在TKDE这类顶尖期刊中是很少见且难得的🙃。欧洲科学院院士、剑桥大学 Pietro Lio 教授,在其线上发表的 arXiv 论文Hypergraph Neural Networks through the Lens of Message Passing: A Common Perspective to Homophily and Architecture Design中对该篇论文的创造性贡献不吝溢美之词。直接采纳了我对社会等价性 (social equivalence) 和同质性 (social conformity) 两个重要社会学规律的量化方案。认为我提出的方法可以“更加准确 (more accurate)”地建模复杂交互关系。在论文补充材料中开辟专门的独立章节“Further consideration on the concepts of simulated social environment evolving and group entropy from Sun et al. (2023)”,对我的这篇论文进行更加详细的分析,认为引入群体熵(group entropy)的概念能够“显著地 (noteworthy)”表征演化建模,“ 有效地 (effectively)”补充自己的工作;伦敦大学(University of London) 的 Paul D. Yoo 教授在论文[ArXiv 24] Empirical and Experimental Perspectives on Big Data in Recommendation Systems: A Comprehensive Survey 中评价我提出的融合社会学规律的超图学习框架是“创建复杂精确推荐系统的关键 (…this approach is key to creating sophisticated and precise recommendation systems)”.
    3. 🔥Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Hang Dong, Bo Qiao, Si Qin, Qingwei Lin. Counter-Empirical Attacking based on Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Time-Relevant Scoring System. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE). 2024. (CORE A*, CCF A, SCI Q1, paper) 这篇论文承载了我在微软亚洲研究院交流期间的美好回忆,比较具有纪念意义🙂. 首次提出“反经验攻击”这一用户评分系统设计的全新思想,通过在微软亚洲研究院 Azure 内部计算资源平台管理中的试用, 验证了设计思路的有效性. 
    4. Xiangguo Sun, Hongzhi Yin, Bo Liu, Qing Meng, Jiuxin Cao, Alexander Zhou, Hongxu Chen. Structure Learning via Meta-Hyperedge for Dynamic Rumor Detection. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE). 2023. (CORE A*, CCF A, SCI Q1) IEEE Fellow、中国科学院大学Liang Wang教授在论文 [ArXiv '23] Out-of-distribution Evidence-aware Fake News Detection via Dual Adversarial Debiasing 认为这一工作是对传统图方法异常性检测的“进一步改进(further proposed)”;澳门大学 Dingqi Yang 教授在顶级期刊ACM Computing Surveys发表的论文A Survey on Hypergraph Representation Learning中评述这一工作能够捕获上下文信息“提升(improve)”节点级别的图分析任务。
    5. Xiangguo Sun, Hongzhi Yin, Bo Liu, Hongxu Chen, Wang Han, Qing Meng, Jiuxin Cao, Multi-level Hyperedge Distillation for Social Linking Prediction on Sparsely Observed Networks, The Web Conference 2021 (WWW2021) (CORE A*, CCF A, acceptance rate 20.6%) 这是我读博期间所在课题组历史上首次发表CCF A类论文,比较具有纪念意义🙂。加拿大皇家科学院和工程院两院院士、ACM 和 IEEE Fellow、前华为首席科学家、杜克大学裴健教授在论文[WWW '22] Robust Self-Supervised Structural Graph Neural Network for Social Network Prediction中认为以这项工作为代表的方法在社会网络关系预测方面显示出卓越的性能“Graph Neural Networks...have shown superior performance in... social network link prediction [39,...”; IEEE Fellow、香港科技大学计算机系主任周晓方(Xiaofang Zhou)教授在World Wide Web Journal上的论文Implicit relation-aware social recommendation with variational auto-encoder 中认为我提出的超图结构学习方法在社会关系预测中取得了卓越 (superiority)的性能。
    6. Xiangguo Sun, Hongzhi Yin, Bo Liu, Hongxu Chen, Jiuxin Cao, Yingxia Shao, Nguyen Quoc Viet Hung. Heterogeneous Hypergraph Embedding for Graph Classification, WSDM 2021. (CORE A*, CCF B, acceptance rate 18.6%)由于其在异质超图方面的创造性贡献,这项工作被国内计算机顶尖期刊《软件学报》的综述类研究大篇幅重点报道,获得了同行的积极评价(软件学报综述“图神经网络在复杂图挖掘上的研究进展”. 2022.33 (10): 3582-3618, 西北工业大学. 刘杰等;欧洲科学院院士、ACM 和 IEEE Fellow Christian S. Jensen 教授认为,我提出的异质超图小波基模型是业界最新 (state-of-the-art solutions),解决了很多(many)超图领域的问题;数据挖掘领域的奠基者、ACM 和 IEEE Fellow、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 Jiawei Han/韩家炜教授,在[ICDM '22] THINK: Temporal Hypergraph Hyperbolic Network 论文中,借鉴使用了这里的复杂超图关系构建方法,在时空数据分析中取得了业界领先的性能。"Following [37], we created hyperedges based on the neighborhood of each node."
    7. Yicong Li, Xiangguo Sun, Hongxu Chen, Sixiao Zhang, Yu Yang, Guandong Xu. Attention Is Not the Only Choice: Counterfactual Reasoning for Path-Based Explainable Recommendation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE). (co-first author, corresponding author, Yicong Li finished this work under my supervision. CORE A*, CCF A, SCI Q1, paper)
    8. Xiangguo Sun, Bo Liu, Liya Ai, Danni Liu, Qing Meng, Jiuxin Cao. In Your Eyes: Modality Disentangling for Personality Analysis in Short Video. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 2022. (SCI JCR Q1, the top journal in the social computing area) 社会计算领域顶尖期刊,录用率仅 10%左右


    Selected Awards

    • KDD2023 Best Research Paper Award.
    • "Social Computing Rising Star" (社会计算青年学者新星) 2023. 中国人工智能学会-社会智能专委会.
    • Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Jiangsu Province 2023. (Only 1 winner from Computer Science and Technology at Southeast University.)
    • Distinguished Reviewer Award (杰出评审专家), BESC 2020. 2020.10.30 (only 8 PC members won this award)
    • National Scholarship for Graduate Student/国家奖学金. 2019.10 (only 3 winners in School of Computer Science & Engineering, Southeast University.)

    Selected Academic Services

    • Young Associate Editor (2023-2025):《大数据挖掘与分析(英文)》(Big Data Mining and Analytics)
    • Young Associate Editor: Journal of Social Computing.
    • Guest Editor: Special Issue on Application of Big Data Analysis and Mining, Electronics (IF: 2.9, ISSN 2079-9292)
    • Guest Editor: Special Issue on Assessing Sentience of AI Systems, Journal of Social Computing
    • PC Member or Reviewer: SIGKDD (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), TKDE, IJCAI 2024, ICLR 2024, NeurIPS 2023, The Web Conference (2023, 2024), SIGIR 2021, ICDE 202, VLDB 2022, DASFAA (2020, 2023, 2024), SDM 2024, CIKM (2024), TKDD, TNNLS, etc.


    ArXiv | Preprint | Under Review

    1. 🔥Xiangguo Sun, Jiawen Zhang, Xixi Wu, Hong Cheng, Yun Xiong, Jia Li. Graph Prompt Learning: A Comprehensive Survey and Beyond. https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.16534
    2. Haihong Zhao, Aochuan Chen, Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Jia Li. All in One and One for All: A Simple yet Effective Method towards Cross-domain Graph Pretraining. https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.09834 (co-first author, corresponding author)
    3. Yingying Wang, Yun Xiong, Xixi Wu, Xiangguo Sun, Jiawei Zhang. DDIPrompt: Drug-Drug Interaction Event Prediction based on Graph Prompt Learning. https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.11472
    4. Xi Chen, Siwei Zhang, Yun Xiong, Xixi Wu, Jiawei Zhang, Xiangguo Sun, Yao Zhang, Yinglong Zhao, Yulin Kang. Prompt Learning on Temporal Interaction Graphs. https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.06326
    5. Sixiao Zhang, Hongxu Chen, Haoran Yang, Xiangguo Sun, Philip S. Yu, Guandong Xu. Graph Masked Autoencoders with Transformers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.08391, 2022.
    6. Xiaorong Hao, Bo Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Jiuxin Cao, Ding Zhou, Xinwen Fu. Detecting Lateral Movement through Graph Analysis with Inter-behavior Intervals Embedding. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (SCI Q1, CCF A, under review)
    7. Ruwen Zhang, Bo Liu*, Jiuxin Cao, Hantao Zhao, Xuheng Sun, Yan Liu, and Xiangguo Sun. Modeling Group-Level Public Sentiment in Social Networks through Topic and Role Enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. (under review, SCI Q1, the top journal in the social computing area).


    Other Publications

    1. Ziqi Gao, Xiangguo Sun, Zijing Liu, Yu Li, Hong Cheng, Jia Li. Protein Multimer Structure Prediction via PPI-guided Prompt Learning. ICLR 2024 (CORA A*)
    2. Chengzhi Piao, Tingyang Xu, Xiangguo Sun, Yu Rong, Kangfei Zhao, Hong Cheng. Computing Graph Edit Distance via Neural Graph Matching. PVLDB (CORE A*, CCF A)
    3. Yuhan Li, Zhixun Li, Peisong Wang, Jia Li, Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Jeffrey Xu Yu. A Survey of Graph Meets Large Language Model: Progress and Future Directions. IJCAI 2024 (CORE A*, CCF A, survey track)
    4. Sixiao Zhang, Hongxu Chen, Xiangguo Sun, Yicong Li and Guandong Xu. Unsupervised Graph Poisoning Attack via Contrastive Loss Back-propagation. The Web Conference 2022 (WWW 2022) (CORE A*, CCF A)
    5. Hongxu Chen, Hongzhi Yin, Xiangguo Sun, Tong Chen, Bogdan Gabrys and Katarzyna Musial. Multi-level Graph Convolutional Networks for Cross-platform Anchor Link Prediction. KDD 2020 (CORE A*, CCF A, acceptance rate 16.8%).
    6. Haoran Yang, Hongxu Chen, Sixiao Zhang, Xiangguo Sun, Qian Li, Xiangyu Zhao, Guandong Xu. Generating Counterfactual Hard Negative Samples for Graph Contrastive Learning. The Web Conference 2023. (CORE A*, CCF A)
    7. Qing Meng, Hui Yan, Bo Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Jiuxin Cao. Recognize News Transition from Collective Behavior for News Recommendation. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 2022. (CORA A, CCF A, SCI JCR Q2)
    8. Xiaorong Hao, Bo Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Jiuxin Cao, Ding Zhou, Xinwen Fu. Detecting Lateral Movement through Graph Analysis with Inter-behavior Intervals Embedding. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (SCI Q1, CCF A, under review)
    9. Bo Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Qing Meng, Xinyan Yang, Yang Lee, Jiuxin Cao, Junzhou Luo, Roy Ka-We Lee. Nowhere to Hide: Online Rumor Detection based on Retweeting Graph Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2022. (CORE A*, CCF B, SCI JCR Q1. 1st author is my supervisor.)
    10. Zhihong Cui, Xiangguo Sun, Shijun Liu, Guandong Xu. Event-based Incremental Recommendation with Social Factor Decomposition. Information Sciences. (corresponding author, the 1st author finished this work under my supervision, SCI JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top).
    11. Zhihong Cui, Xiangguo Sun, Hongxu Chen, Li Pan, Lizhen Cui, Shijun Liu, Guandong Xu. Dynamic Recommendation based on Graph Diffusion and Ebbinghaus Curve. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. (corresponding author, the 1st author finished this work under my supervision,  SCI JCR Q1, the top journal in the social computing area).
    12. Hongxu Chen, Yicong Li, Xiangguo Sun, Guandong Xu and Hongzhi Yin. Temporal Meta-path Guided Explainable Recommendation, WSDM 2021. (CORE A*, CCF B, acceptance rate 18.6%)
    13. Yicong Li, Hongxu Chen, Xiangguo Sun, Zhenchao Sun, Lin Li, Lizhen Cui, Phillip Yu, and Guandong Xu. Hyperbolic Hypergraphs for Sequential Recommendation. CIKM 2021. (CORE A, CCF B, acceptance rate 21.7%).
    14. Qing Meng, Bo Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Hui Yan, Chengyu Liang, Jiuxin Cao, Roy Ka-Wei Lee. Attention-Fused Deep Relevancy Matching Network for Clickbait Detection. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. 2022. (SCI JCR Q1, the top journal in the social computing area)
    15. Xiangguo Sun, Bo Liu, Qing Meng, Jiuxin Cao, Junzhou Luo, Hongzhi Yin. Group-level Personality Detection based on Text Generated Networks. World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ),2020, 23, 1887–1906 (CORE A, CCF B, SCI JCR Q2)
    16. Yuanshen Guan, Xiangguo Sun, Yongjiao Sun. Sparse Relation Prediction based on Hypergraph Neural Networks in Online Social Networks. World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ). 2021. (corresponding author, co-first author, Yuanshen finished this work under my supervision. CORE A, CCF B, SCI JCR Q2)
    17. Bo Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Zeyang Ni, Jiuxin Cao, Junzhou Luo, Benyuan Liu, Xinwen Fu. Co-Detection of Crowdturfing Microblogs and Spammers in Online Social Networks. World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ). 2020, 23, 573–607 (The 1st author is my supervisor, CORE A, CCF B, SCI JCR Q2)
    18. Yingying Xue, Aibo Song, Xiaolin Fang, Yingxue Zhang, Xiangguo Sun, Jiahui Jin. Intra- and Inter- Semantic with Multi-scale Evolving Patterns for Dynamic Graph Learning. Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), 2022. (SCI JCR Q1, 中科院1区)
    19. 孟青,刘波,张恒远,孙相国,曹玖新,李嘉伟,在线社交网络中群体影响力的建模与分析,计算机学报. (CCF T-1类中文期刊)
    20. Xiaorong Hao, Xinyan Yang, Bo Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Qing Meng, and Jiuxin Cao. Multi-stage Dynamic Disinformation Detection with Graph Entropy Guidance. World Wide Web Journal (WWWJ). (CORE A, CCF B, SCI JCR Q2.)
    21. Ruwen Zhang, Bo Liu*, Jiuxin Cao, Hantao Zhao, Xuheng Sun, Yan Liu, and Xiangguo Sun. Modeling Group-Level Public Sentiment in Social Networks through Topic and Role Enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. (under review, SCI JCR Q1, the top journal in the social computing area).
    22. Bo Liu, Shijiao Tang, Xiangguo Sun, Qiaoyun Chen, Jiuxin Cao, Junzhou Luo, Shanshan Zhao. Context-aware social media user sentiment analysis. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2020, 25(4): 528-541. (SCI JCR Q1)​
    23. Qing Meng, Junzhou Luo, Bo Liu, Xiangguo Sun, Jiuxin Cao. Quantifying Group Influence on Individuals in Online Social Networks. IEEE ISCC 2019. (CORE B, CCF C)​
    24. Xiangguo Sun, Bo Liu, Jiuxin Cao, Junzhou Luo, Xiaojun Shen. Who Am I? Personality Detection Based on Deep Learning for Texts. IEEE ICC 2018. (CCF C)​
    Click to see CCF Ranking, CCF Ranking-Chinese Branch,  CORE Ranking



    Student Supervision

    • Mr. Yanyi Pu: visiting student, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, I worked with him as his vice supervisor;
    • Mr. Sixiao Zhang: visiting student, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, I worked with him as his vice supervisor;
    • Miss Yicong Li: Ph.D. student, University of Technology Sydney, Australia, I worked with her as her vice supervisor;
    • Miss Dannie Liu: Ph.D. student, Southeast University, China. I worked with her as her vice supervisor
    • Mr. Taoran Wang, and Mr. Yulin Zhang: Master student, Southeast University, China. I worked with them as their vice supervisor

    He also serves as an external supervisor of some brilliant PhD/master students from the University of Technology Sydney (Australia), UC Berkeley (USA), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU, Hong Kong), Cambridge University (United Kingdom), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), KAUST (Saudi Arabia), Zhejiang University (China) and Southeast University (China).


    Teaching Courses

    • INFS7450 at The University of Queensland - Social Media Analytics. Semester 1, 2020. (Teaching Assistant, I got 5 stars feedback from my students, see the details report).
    • INFS7450 at The University of Queensland - Social Media Analytics Semester 1, 2021. (Teaching Assistant, I got 5 stars feedback from my students, see the details report).
    • COMP2200 at Macquarie University - Data Science. Semester 2, 2023. (Guest Lecture, Certificate)
    • sd013361D0 at Shandong University-计算机研究热门课题综述. Semester 2, 2023 (Guest Lecture)
    • SEEM5760 Client/Server Information Systems in Term 2, 2023-24. CUHK. (Teaching Assistant)

    Supervised Student Projects

    • Yixuan Long (University of Pittsburgh, USA), Jiarui Wang (The University of British Columbia, Canada), Shibo Jin (The University of British Columbia, Canada), Behrad Ahmadpour (Sharif University of Technology, Iran), Arvindh A (IIIT Hyderabad, India), Aarya Chaumal (College of Engineering Pune, India). I worked with them as their tutor in the Summer Undergraduate Research Program 2022 hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
    • Qunzhong Wang, Fangzhou Ge. I worked with them as their tutor in the Summer Undergraduate Research Program 2024 hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.